Thursday, July 24, 2014

Letter to my baby boy

To my baby boy,

I can’t even explain to you the joy you have brought into my life you are by far the best thing that has ever happened to me. When I found out I was pregnant I was beyond ecstatic but also very nervous, nervous about not being a good mom to you, nervous if I would be the perfect house wife managing kids a husband and a house hold. I would talk to you while you were in my belly and feeling you move was the greatest feeling ever, I miss that so much.
The day you were born my world changed for better, holding you for the very first time and knowing that daddy and I had created you was incredible.

 Next week you will be 18 months and I don’t know where time has gone but I truly enjoy all your firsts. Your smile and laughter brighten up my day, even the days when you drive me crazy, to see you smile makes me forget about why I felt so frustrated at that moment. I love you Julian and I hope one day you can read this blog of mine and know what I was feeling and how happy you have made me. You truly are my muse.

 Love always, Mommy

He loves hats so much he even sleeps with them on

Monday, April 21, 2014

More than a year later...

I cant believe it has been a year since my little boy was born, it has been the best year ever!
He has brought so much  joy to my life he makes my days better. To see him grow so quickly is scary, amazing and all mixed emotions at the same time.  I still remember like if it was yesterday when I held his tiny body in my arms for the first time. Not only have we celebrated his first year but my big boy is walking around everywhere and  doesn’t need mommy to carry him around anymore.
I love that Julian loves music he loves to dance (got it from his momma). Its amazing to see all the new things that he learns on a daily.  Its astonishing how big of a temper he has he definitely knows what he wants and what he doesn't. Although his temper can get bad at times, when he is in a good mood he likes to play with puddles (our dog) likes to get on his little motorcycle and he gets supper excited when his favorite commercial comes on the EOS lip balm. He will stop what he's doing to watch it. Who would have thought that once we say hello he grabs anything an uses it as a phone. (kids are learning technology too quickly)
I am obsessed with buying him clothes , we might have to much and he might only get to wear certain things once but its ok this happens with all first time mommies right?  Everything is cuter when its smaller (clothes wise lol)
Getting Baptized
Julian was baptized on January 18th his god parents were my cousin and my sister in law. I wanted someone that would always be in his life. To me family is important and friends come and go not always do they stay in our lives (sadly this has happened to me too may times), I know this could occur with family members as well but hopefully not in Julian's case.  I loved planning out his baptism as I like to be crafty at times and with the help of my cousins I did his centerpieces. Everything turned out how I wanted.  He looked so adorable in his little white outfit.  I may not be the most catholic person, (my mom hates that about me) I don’t go to church every Sunday but it is important to me for my kids to believe in god and to have done all the catholic sacraments. That’s how I was raised and that’s how we want to raise our kids. It means something to us.
Julian's First Birthday  
I knew months ago I wanted Julian to have a mustache themed party. I think it turned out great once again I did his centerpieces and we celebrated it at my families restaurant. It was something small, but our friends and family where there. Sadly Julian slept for a lot of his party (something he hasn’t done since he was born, I have never seen him so lazy) I guess turning one is exhausting.
 On his party Julian drank form a straw for the first time, that was another first of Julian that I was able to capture with a picture. I love when I get to experience all his firsts.
I cant wait for this year and all the great things it has to bring for us, so far these first couple of months have been a blessing.  I will also keep this blog updated I love to see the changes that occur with Julian and the fact that I get to share my feeling with family, friends and blogger friends.
This happy momma says buh bye for now besitos!
(Pictures to come)

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Big Baby

Julian doesn't look like a newborn anymore. He's so chunky and long he is using 6-9 month old clothes. Yesterday I put on a 6 month outfit and it looked so snug he seemed like a buff baby lol. Sometimes I get scared to take him out because their are times he gets super cranky and just starts crying and yelling, but this past week he's been a pretty good baby we have gone out a couple of times and he seems to like and explore his new surroundings.

When people use to tell me babies grow so fast I didn't really pay much attention but now I know what they meant babies don't stay babies for too long. Next thing I know he will be 6 months then 9 then we will be planning his 1st birthday party. I also need to get organized and find out about his baptism that's something I should have been looking into but haven't had a chance to. Hubby wants to have a big party but for me the most important thing is to have him baptized.

This Sunday is Father's Day we hope daddy likes his gift and that we can celebrate him being such a wonderful husband and such a great daddy.

What would he do without his paci?

He looks so buff!!

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Seems like just yesterday

I have completely neglected my blog but I will try to catch up on the current milestones that have occurred with my baby boy, it’s been almost a month without writing, Julian has grown so quickly and it seems like just yesterday I was at the hospital ready to meet him. He looks so much like his daddy everyone stops and tells us I know it makes hubby feel so proud.

On another note my first mother’s day was amazing! Thursday we took my mom out to dinner Julian behaved very well and I got to celebrate with my mommy. Friday we headed out to my mother in laws and took her to dinner. Saturday Julian went to his first party and he behaved like such a good baby and Sunday I got my gifts I got a lovely vanity to sit and do my makeup comfortably (so mommy can look pretty) and also I got the sigma Brushes I have been wanting for a while. I felt so blessed I got gifts from my sister, mother in law and sister in law. I thought to myself its awesome being a mommy lol. Although the thing I am most grateful for is having my healthy baby boy with me,  a mother could not ask for anything more.

Every morning Julian wakes me up with his lovely voice he yells like he’s excited about it being another day, sometimes we have our conversations in bed and sometimes we even dance. I send daddy a video or picture everyday if he’s at work. Julian loves to talk and he also lets it to be known when he’s hungry he yells and cries if he doesn’t get his bottle fast. Today I have him a little taste of banana for the first time he made a funny face but I’m sure with time he will learn to like it. I’m excited to start giving him food I plan on making his baby food so I have to look up simple and health recipes for my little man.

My husband has been great he does the most wonderful things to help me or surprise me like today he surprised me with lunch and a movie. My baby and he make me feel like such and important person I thank god for them everyday!
 Mother's Day


My Handsome little boy
Sitting in his bumbo seat all by himself

Sunday, April 28, 2013

He's getting so BIG

I have been slacking on writing on my blog I feel like the days go by so quickly, since starting boot camp I have less time to do things but have lots of energy once it’s over. In the past few weeks Julian got his shots (he took them like a champ) had a slight fever that night but woke up better the next day. He’s a little chunky baby pretty soon he wont fit in his bassinet and we will have to transition to his big boy crib. Last we weighed him he was 13.7lbs chunky babies are so cute!! He is now awake longer periods of time so he’s more aware of his surrounding. Unfortunately he likes to watch TV a lot, I have to look for educational shows for him I don’t want him to be a couch potato when he gets older lol. He also slept over at grammas for the first time since hubby and I went out to a concert. I was a little sad to leave him but I knew he was in good hands with my mommy. As for me I feel so blessed to have such a calm baby and although my days go by extremely quick and I feel I don’t have enough hours in the day to finish house chores I love being a mom I love having someone look at me the way Julian looks at me and smiling it is the most amazing feeling ever. It’s sad that he’s growing up so quickly I wish he could stay little forever.

My Big Boy out for his first sunny day

Thursday, April 4, 2013

2 Months!!!

Julian’s Easter went great I was able to dress him up as a cute little bunny and got great pictures of him in his outfit. The weather cooperated so his cousins were able to hunt for eggs in the back yard and we were able to do the barbeque we wanted.  It was a nice relaxing Sunday with family. Julian is also waking up much less now only once during the night and once he has his morning feeding he goes back to sleep and that’s when I get ready to start my day. We finally have a set feeding schedule during the night... yay!

Julian is now 2 months old, oh how time fly’s he’s bigger and chunkier everyday, he is a very happy baby. Next Tuesday he’s going to get all his shots, I hope that goes well and he doesn’t get to fussy. As for me I was feeling a little down because of my weight, of course I’am not going to try on my old pants because I know I won’t fit it them and it will just get me depressed. I did sign up for boot camp since I know that helps, I had done it before and I like having someone tell me what to do (this is only for exercise I actually hate having people boss me around lol). I start Monday afternoon I’am so excited and anxious to feel the pain and see results I want to feel good about myself and feel like a sexy momma!!!

Julian's First Easter

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Daddy back to work ;(

Today  was daddy's first day back to work, and my first night waking up for the baby all by myself. It was not too hard plus my baby makes it easy once I see his smile. It was also my first weekend back to work. It was busy and a little tiring, but fun to see all the people that I hadn't seen in a while. I missed my little munchkin but I know his grandma was taking good care of him.
 I can't  believe he is now 7 weeks old and getting chunkier everyday. Although both the hubby and I got home pretty tired we still found time to watch a movie and cuddle. I know we will have to get use to this new routine of us working and not being with baby all day but all we do now is for him :).
Seeing him here next to me sleep is the most amazing feeling and he takes my tiredness away! Momma loves you with all her heart <3